Prices in AUD or EURO

  • Two hands, holding a phone to symbolise immediate help through a live chat function

    LIVE CHAT IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE (For parents in Australia and all over the world)

    20 minutes live chat support for all parents who need quick help with a few questions.

    Available between 08:00 - 19:30 AET (Australian time).

    Are you concerned about a specific situation, or do you just have a quick question but don't need a whole consultation? Book a 20-minute live chat with me (WhatsApp/ Facebook/ Messages) to share your concerns or questions.

    If you choose this package and book between 8am and 7.30pm AET (Australian time), leave your mobile number and preferred media (WhatsApp/ Facebook/ Messages) in the request and I will get back to you within 2 hours after booking.

    40$ (26€)

  • Safely attached child is playing with his parent, who's throwing the child slightly up in the air, ready to catch it again. Child is smiling, wearing a striped shirt and striped shorts and has curly hair

    COMPACT PACKAGE (For parents in Australia and all over the world)

    45 minutes of individual consultation in person in Hobart or anywhere in the world by Zoom/Skype/Facetime/
    including questionnaire evaluation and 5 days email or messaging support (between 8am and 8pm)
    This package is perfect for new or experienced parents who need urgent help but don’t have much time.

    $95 (60€)

  • A black and white image of a mum holding her newborn baby, who is dreaming and looking behind his mum

    NEW PARENTS ALLROUND PACKAGE (For parents in Australia and all over the world)

    7 days of intensive support. This package is for first-time parents.
    During a 1-hour consultation, I’ll share my in-depth knowledge of newborn/baby sleep patterns, and help you to set up your sleep environment safely. Afterwards, I’ll be available to send you in-depth, follow-up advice for up to 6 emails, so that you can accompany your baby through the nights in an attachment- and need-oriented way - working gradually with their adjustments.

    60 minutes of individual consultation in person in Hobart or anywhere in the world by Zoom/Skype/Facetime/WhatsApp/Facebook

    295$ (188€)

  • Full moon in black and white, symbolising being awake at night

    NIGHT-TIME EMERGENCY SUPPORT (For parents in Europe)

    This is for all parents in Europe.
    Being a parent can be particularly unsettling at night. If you need spontaneous help in the form of a 45 minute consultation or direct messaging support via WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, then this is the package for you.

    This service is available on:
    between your 08:00 pm and 08:00 am GMT+1 (German, France, Denmark).

    130$ (82€)